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best self?

to become your


What would your life look like if you believed in yourself? If instead of second guessing yourself and questioning whether you are good enough, you truly believed in yourself and your abilities? 

What if you let go of always striving for more and chasing the next milestone, and instead felt proud and accomplished for your achievements?

What if instead of constantly pulling yourself apart and focussing on everything you dislike about yourself, you were able to to treat yourself with the compassion and kindness you give to others?

What if instead of always striving to do more, you were able to consistently implement boundaries and stick to healthy habits and routines to protect your energy and prevent overwhelm or burnout?

My mission is to help busy women to shift their mindset and let go of the negative chatter in their head that restricts them from truly enjoying life. I support my clients by equipping them with the tools and strategies to reduce stress, improve their mood,  build their confidence and interrupt negative thoughts with more positive, motivating, empowering ones instead. The women I work with tend to let their overwhelm, comparison, negative thoughts, low self esteem and their inner critical voice hold them back from fulfilling their highest potential.

Through all of my work, I support my clients to become calmer, happier and more grounded by equipping them with the tools, knowledge and resources to break free from their self imposed limits, understand themselves better and create a new positive and motivated mindset. My intention for you is to not only get deep under the surface of what is holding you back - but to use that awareness to be able to think differently, behave differently and feel differently. My mission is to support you in letting go of your non-serving patterns, habits and limiting beliefs and finally being able to move forwards and recreate your reality as your most joyful, inspired and vibrant self.  

Whether you are looking to implement healthy boundaries and build new habits to reset and restore your energy,  you want to move yourself out of a state of autopilot to find more joy, peace and happiness in your everyday life or you are looking to change the relationship with yourself and gain the self belief and confidence to finally do those things you keep putting off, then I am here to help you. My hope is that you will leave our sessions feeling uplifted, nourished and restored so that you can create a new future for yourself and embrace everything that comes your way.

you begin to CHANGE YOUR LIFE

Do something today your future self with thank you for, I promise you won't regret it.

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Does this sound familiar?

Does your mind often feel cluttered and overwhelmed? 

Do you feel like you live your life on autopilot, rushing through your days and operating in survival mode?

Do you have a loud inner critical voice that likes to convince you that you are not enough?

Do you tend to worry, overthink and assume the worst?

Do you hold yourself to incredibly high standards but never feel like you can meet them?

Do you often compare yourself to others and think you are falling behind or your life isn't as good as theirs?

Do you often spiral into negative thought patterns and find yourself in unhealthy behaviours which aren't serving you?

Do you hold yourself back from pursuing your goals in fear of failing or not being perfect?

Do you struggle to relax and feel like you should always be doing more?

the SIGNATURE FOUR MONTH coaching program

is designed to take you from feeling stuck, disconnected, self critical and overwhelmed to a place where you are calm, positive, energised and excited about the next chapter.​

In working together, we will create long lasting transformative results to your mindset and life by increasing your self awareness, challenging your limiting beliefs and creating new healthier ways of thinking and behaving.

I will help you to see the good in yourself, implement boundaries to support your wellbeing, create new healthy habits and routines that last, and learn how to tap into your intuition and feel more connected to your happiest, highest self. 

You will leave equipped with the tools, skills and knowledge to continue your journey moving forwards as the best version of you. I am that friendly, safe, non-judgemental voice to hold your hand, keep you accountable and to guide and support you every step of the way.

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 the SIGNATURE coaching journey 

what to expect

Bi-weekly 60-90 minute 1:1 sessions


Unlimited support and accountability to keep you on track between sessions via WhatsApp or Email


A bespoke action plan to support your journey


Personalised support tailored to you

if this sounds like you,
let's talk

I offer free 20 minute discovery calls for us to get to know each other and explore whether coaching is right for you.  Click the link below to choose a time that works.



A 90 minute intensive session where we take a holistic look into all areas of your life and assess which particular areas feel out of alignment and need more love and focus. Together we will understand where you are, what is going on for you and create a roadmap for you to take your life, wellbeing and mindset forwards.


This session is for you if you feel like something is holding you back but you are unsure where to begin, or if you need some help navigating a challenge in a specific area of your life. 

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 the BREAKTHROUGH session 

what to expect

Questionnaire to get us on track ahead of the session


1 x 90 minute intensive 1:1 coaching session


Session notes and resources to take on your journey


1 x month unlimited support and accountability to keep you on track between sessions via Whatsapp or Email

"Katie is truly amazing. She made me feel in control of my life and happier and calmer with my path than I have done in years. Katie helped me realise that “finding yourself” is not about ticking off a checklist of must haves by a certain time. I learnt to embrace my authentic self through goal setting and reflection that the person I am and the person I want to become are actually the same inner self. My friends and family say since my life coaching I seem more grounded, accepting and happy with the person I am which is the biggest compliment I feel I could get. Thank you so much Katie."


what clients are saying

do you have QUESTIONS?

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