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meet katie
hello, my loves

I’m Katie - a Mindset and Success Coach, Podcast Host, Dog Mumma, Self Care Lover and Wellbeing Enthusiast

Do you ever feel like on paper your life looks ‘perfect’? A successful job, a nice house, a loving partner and a busy social life. But on the inside you feel stuck, lost, unfulfilled and like something is missing?


I spent years knowing there was something else out there. Knowing I was capable of more but letting self doubt, fear and a lack of confidence keep me stuck in a reality which didn’t excite me. Why? Because I told myself it wasn't possible for me. That the life I was dreaming of would never happen to someone like me. That I wasn't one of the 'lucky' ones. 

I was busy focussing on everything that was wrong with my life - the relationship problems, the insecurities about my body, the things I hadn't yet achieved, the lack of fulfilment in my  job. I became restrictive with food, obsessive with exercise, stuck in negative self talk and addicted to comparison in every part of my life. I was saying yes to everything yet never feeling like I was doing enough. 

When I think back, I was living the life I thought I 'should' be living. Getting a degree at university, progressing in a well paid Corporate City career, buying my own flat in London, killing myself in the gym and saying yes to every social event. 

After all, isn't that the end goal?

Starting my journey of personal development was the catalyst to change. Once I changed my beliefs and mindset - I changed my life. I started to invest in myself, ask for support, to understand myself better, to listen to my body and to discover what it meant to be truly living. 


What could my life look like if I took the leap into the unknown? What might I choose to do if I deeply believed in myself? What might I be capable of if I knew how to navigate and rise from challenges I was faced with? 

I'm now at the point in my life where I really am in love with the reality I have created. It has taken a lot of inner work and it hasn't always been smooth sailing to get here - but taking back the power and becoming the creator of your own life really is the most rewarding, fulfilling and exciting feeling.


We only have one life. And after all, it is for living.

looking for more?

introducing the JOURNEY

A new self-development podcast to help you improve yourself and change your life.

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